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User Agent Details of DepSpid

User Agent Key:DepSpid
User Agents:DepSpid - the dependency spider
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; DepSpid/5.07; +http://about.depspid.net)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; DepSpid/5.12; +http://about.depspid.net)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; DepSpid/5.26; +http://about.depspid.net)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; DepSpid/5.28; +http://about.depspid.net)
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:N/A
Adheres META tag:N/A
Type(s): DataMiningPublic
Info:DepSpid is a distributed kind of a web crawler. The DepSpid spider visits domains, analyses links and finally calculates scores about the link dependencies between individual domains. Each spider job starts at the main page of a domain and then follows each link on that page retrieving more pages and analysing them, too. The spider stays within one domain. If it finds an external link it only checks if the linked domain is reachable but doesn't continue crawling into the external domain. Every unknown domain will be visited from another spider job at a later time.
Date Added:5/11/2006 22:43:42

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