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User Agent Details of LivelapBot

User Agent Key:LivelapBot/
User Agents:LivelapBot/0.2 (http://site.livelap.com/crawler)
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:N/A
Adheres META tag:N/A
Type(s): IndexingTool
Info:Livelap is a content discovery app that indexes web content. Probably you have seen the Livelapbot/0.1 or LivelapBot/0.2 crawler in your server logs. LivelapBot can visit a page if it is shared on social media, and as part of its RSS/page crawling schedule.

What does LivelapBot collect

Livelap indexes web content and makes meta data and a link to your content available in livelap.com and in the Livelap app. For indexing we only use official HTML and media meta tags in your page. We don't scrape the contents of your articles. The following fields are used for indexing:
Publication date
Type of content (article, photo, video, etc)
Images (og, twitter and other standard tags)
Videos (og, twitter and other standard tags)
RSS links
Detect whether showing page in iframe is allowed
Date Added:29/08/2014 9:01:20

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