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User Agent Details of PiltdownMan

User Agent Key:PiltdownMan
User Agents:PiltdownMan/1.0 profitnet@myezmail.com
IP Ranges:62.36.128.* 194.133.59.* 212.106.215.*
Adheres robots.txt:Yes
Adheres META tag:No
Type(s): DataMiningCommercial
Info:The PiltdownMan robot is used to get a list of links from the search engines in our database. These links are followed, and the page that they refer is downloaded to get some statistics from them. The robot runs once a month, more or less, and visits the first 10 pages listed in every search engine, for a group of keywords.

To maintain a database of search engines, we needed an automated tool. That's why we began the creation of this robot.
Date Added:25/07/2005 1:25:14

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