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User Agent Details of admantx-euaspb

User Agent Key:admantx-euaspb/
User Agents:admantx-euaspb/2.5 (+http://www.admantx.com/service-fetcher.html)
admantx-euaspb/3.1 (+https://www.admantx.com/service-fetcher.html)
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:N/A
Adheres META tag:N/A
Type(s): IndexingTool
Info:The ADmantX Semantic Analysis Service provides real-time analysis of the context of the article or text on a web page. The ADmantX SA Service utilizes Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to analyze text the way a human does when reading. The output of the ADmantX SA Service is the “context” (automatic categorization) of the web page. The ADmantX SA Service then provides the “context” output to the requesting client (our customers and partners).

Our customers are web site publishers who use our Semantic Analysis Service to provide “contextual ad targeting” as well as provide brand safety for advertisers (blocking ads on inappropriate or questionable content).
Date Added:29/05/2018 17:41:31

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