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User Agent Details of e-SocietyRobot

User Agent Key:e-SocietyRobot
User Agents:e-SocietyRobot(http://www.yama.info.waseda.ac.jp/~yamana/es/)
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:Yes
Adheres META tag:Yes
Type(s): DataMiningPublic
Info:The research project "Technologies for the Knowledge Discovery from the Internet" is one of the year 2003 leading projects of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. The project contractor is Waseda university. The project goal is to gather all the Web pages in the world efficiently and to apply data mining to the gathered Web pages to discover the Knowledge. The following is the detailed sub goals.

1. R&D on new Web page crawler
 Gather all the Web pages (about 12 billion pages) and keep their freshness in one month in average.

2. R&D on discovering the knowledge
 Discover the knowledge that the user want to know.
Date Added:27/04/2006 0:14:47

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