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User Agent Details of iSiloX

User Agent Key:iSiloX
User Agents:iSiloX/4.15 Windows/32
iSiloX/4.32 Windows/32
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:N/A
Adheres META tag:N/A
Type(s): OfflineBrowser
Info:iSiloX is the desktop application that converts content to the iSilo™ 3.x/4.x document format, enabling you to carry that content on your Palm OS® PDA, Pocket PC PDA, Windows® CE Handheld PC, or Windows® computer for viewing using iSilo™. It is currently available for Windows® and Mac OS/X. The X in the name iSiloX represents the "transformation" of content functionality provided by iSiloX.
Date Added:5/11/2005 23:55:37

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