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User Agent Details of yacy

User Agent Key:yacy
User Agents:yacy (x86 Windows XP 5.1; java 1.5.0_04; Europe/de) yacy.net
yacybot (i386 Linux 2.6.15-gentoo-r1; java 1.4.2_10; Europe/en) yacy.net
yacybot (-global; amd64 Linux 6.2.0-23-generic; java 1.8.0_352; Etc/en) http://yacy.net/bot.html
IP Ranges:
Adheres robots.txt:N/A
Adheres META tag:N/A
Type(s): OtherBad
Info:p2p-based distributed Web Search Engine
Proxy agent.
Referer header is creator's website, so this is spamming.

The YaCy project is a new approach to build a P2P-based Web indexing network.

* Search your own or the global index
* Crawl your own pages or start distributed crawling
* Run your peer to support other YaCy crawlers
* Provide Information on your peer using the built-in http-server, file-sharing zone and wiki

* Built-in caching http proxy
* Indexing benefits from the proxy cache; private information is not stored or indexed
* Usage of the proxy is not a requisite for web indexing, but it enables you to access the new top-level-domains '.yacy'
* Filter unwanted content like ad- or spyware; share your web-blacklist with other peers

* Easy installation! No additional database required!

* No central server!
* GPL'ed, freeware

Date Added:5/11/2005 23:26:10

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