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User Agent Date Added
w3af.orgedit13/12/2016 0:34:57
W3C-WebConedit6/11/2005 1:14:00
WebCon - the Libwww Command Line Tool

WebCon is a simple Web console tool that allows you to perform any HTTP operation automatically like posting data, saving data, deleting documents, etc. The WebCon comes with the libwww codebase. It gives a variety of possibilities for data format conversion, filtering etc. and can easily be used in scripts, cron jobs etc.
Web Hack Control Centeredit5/11/2009 23:29:17
scanning tool for webserver vulnerabilities
WebCruiseredit5/02/2014 12:11:20
WebCruiser – Web Vulnerability Scanner, an effective and powerful web penetration testing tool that will aid you in auditing your website! It has a Vulnerability Scanner and a series of security tools.
It can support scanning website as well as POC (Proof of concept) for web vulnerabilities: SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc. So, WebCruiser is also an automatic SQL injection tool, an XPath injection tool, and a Cross Site Scripting tool!

Sometimes includes the string WCRTESTINPUT in the query.
WebFuckedit30/12/2015 17:30:16
Webserver Stress Tooledit13/09/2015 17:42:09
WebVulnScanedit10/12/2005 23:20:03
Fell for all bad bot traps:
- requested link in web page to stuff forbidden by robots.txt
- requested link to forbidden stuff in robots.txt only
Wfuzzedit29/05/2018 17:38:33
Wgetedit6/02/2004 1:15:14
GNU Wget is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, the most widely-used Internet protocols. It is a non-interactive commandline tool, so it may easily be called from scripts, cron jobs, terminals without Xsupport, etc.
WhatWebedit16/11/2010 10:28:19
WhatWeb - Next generation web scanner. Identifies what websites are running.

A public web front-end exists at http://whatweb.net/ [ ] which uses "WhatWeb/0.4.5" as the User-Agent.
whitehat.roedit21/02/2010 0:24:30
WinInetSimpleRequestedit22/06/2008 23:51:18
xChaos_Arachneedit6/08/2015 20:53:15
Zend_Http_Clientedit18/06/2010 17:42:43
zgrabedit14/08/2015 8:54:49

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