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vb wininetedit9/02/2004 23:24:21
vbcode example to fetch page from web server.
Proof of monitoring available (log files)
NOT VERIFIED: probably also used in Igrabber Internet content grabber (http://www.aldostools.com/igrabber.html). Website did not exist anymore, google cache was still available:

A powerful internet content grabber that lets you automatically download web server contents off the net, extract specific information and integrate data from multiple pages for your later review, reduce download size or for transfer to portable devices, by simply placing all the 'Content Filters' you want fetched into one directory and pressing a button, using the command line or directly from the Favorites Links using the integration with the new AWeb (Aldo's Web Server).

Includes AWeb 1.5 letting browse filtered sites using filter templates. To filter images enter from MSIE address bar an URL like: http://localhost/filter=filter.dat/http://www.anyweb.com/.
VoidEYEedit11/09/2006 22:50:43
VoidEye CGI scanner
W00t W00tedit21/12/2012 16:34:34
WAF detection tool
w3af.orgedit13/12/2016 0:34:57
W3C-WebConedit6/11/2005 1:14:00
WebCon - the Libwww Command Line Tool

WebCon is a simple Web console tool that allows you to perform any HTTP operation automatically like posting data, saving data, deleting documents, etc. The WebCon comes with the libwww codebase. It gives a variety of possibilities for data format conversion, filtering etc. and can easily be used in scripts, cron jobs etc.
Web Hack Control Centeredit5/11/2009 23:29:17
scanning tool for webserver vulnerabilities
WebCruiseredit5/02/2014 12:11:20
WebCruiser – Web Vulnerability Scanner, an effective and powerful web penetration testing tool that will aid you in auditing your website! It has a Vulnerability Scanner and a series of security tools.
It can support scanning website as well as POC (Proof of concept) for web vulnerabilities: SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc. So, WebCruiser is also an automatic SQL injection tool, an XPath injection tool, and a Cross Site Scripting tool!

Sometimes includes the string WCRTESTINPUT in the query.
WebFuckedit30/12/2015 17:30:16
Webserver Stress Tooledit13/09/2015 17:42:09
WebVulnScanedit10/12/2005 23:20:03
Fell for all bad bot traps:
- requested link in web page to stuff forbidden by robots.txt
- requested link to forbidden stuff in robots.txt only
Wfuzzedit29/05/2018 17:38:33
Wgetedit6/02/2004 1:15:14
GNU Wget is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, the most widely-used Internet protocols. It is a non-interactive commandline tool, so it may easily be called from scripts, cron jobs, terminals without Xsupport, etc.
WhatWebedit16/11/2010 10:28:19
WhatWeb - Next generation web scanner. Identifies what websites are running.

A public web front-end exists at http://whatweb.net/ [ ] which uses "WhatWeb/0.4.5" as the User-Agent.
whitehat.roedit21/02/2010 0:24:30
WinInetSimpleRequestedit22/06/2008 23:51:18
xChaos_Arachneedit6/08/2015 20:53:15
Zend_Http_Clientedit18/06/2010 17:42:43
zgrabedit14/08/2015 8:54:49

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