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User Agent Date Added
ValueClick Robocopedit10/02/2004 1:02:23
This user agent verifies the correct placement of the ValueClick banner advertisement code.
W3C-checklinkedit7/02/2004 16:39:41
Enter the address (URL) of a document that you would like to check.
WebEnhanceredit11/09/2006 23:02:20
The WebEnhancer product range started life as joint venture between Informix, Oninit and METhornton, a web marketing company. With Informix supplying the development tools, Oninit the wherewithal to write the application and METhornton providing the viral marketing skills.

Primarily, an Online Bookmarker, i.e. a means of storing your personal bookmarks on a central server enabling them to be accessed from any web enabled device, the WebEnhancer product range offers so much more. By harnessing the extensibility of the underlying Informix database WebEnhancer is able to deliver a system not only able to store web pages, but also ftp sites, email addresses and telephone numbers and these are delivered to any web enabled device from your PC to your mobile to your toaster. Individual links can be password protected allowing the system to store private user information such as username and password for a particular site. The additional modules extend the product to cater for full contact management, file backup, diary information and Web based email.
Website-Link-Verifieredit8/01/2014 7:40:18
WebTrendsedit7/02/2004 16:41:17
weinedit7/02/2004 17:02:14
In regelmäßigen Abständen prüft unser Crawler, ob Ihre Website noch aktuell ist.
wishedit27/04/2006 23:56:47
The WISH project is an academic research project that started in 2003, to develop software tools to automatically correct broken links in Web pages and to manage other types of link integrities.
wish-projectedit26/12/2006 2:48:00
The WISH project is an academic research project that started in 2003, to develop software tools to automatically correct broken links in Web pages and to manage other types of link integrities.
WPMU DEV Broken Link Checker Local Engineedit6/12/2024 14:44:48
www.deadlinkchecker.comedit1/02/2016 11:49:10
X4d Backlinkcheckeredit20/12/2012 17:12:27
XenForoedit22/09/2017 16:32:27
Xenu's Link Sleuthedit7/02/2004 16:50:56
Xenu's Link Sleuth (TM) checks Web sites for broken links. Link verification is done on "normal" links, images, frames, plug-ins, backgrounds, local image maps, style sheets, scripts and java applets. It displays a continously updated list of URLs which you can sort by different criteria. A report can be produced at any time.
Xtreeme SiteXpertedit9/02/2004 20:19:04
With SiteXpert, without any HTML / JavaScript knowledge, you can quickly create a variety of cross-browser navigation systems without having to worry about compatibility between browsers. You can also create a search engine (hosted by your own web server or for CDROM distribution). The program will automatically crawl through your web site or local disk in search for documents. SiteXpert comes with 10 navigation system types and over 90 graphical schemes.
XWikiLinkCheckeredit23/12/2012 12:06:11
Z-Add Link Checkeredit2/05/2006 23:55:53
Software not available anymore due to abuse.
Zombiebotedit27/08/2015 11:41:01
ZyBorgedit8/02/2004 19:29:37

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