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User Agent Date Added
Python-urllibedit9/02/2004 22:47:07
This module provides a high-level interface for fetching data across the World Wide Web.
Q312460edit11/11/2009 0:06:20
Q312461edit6/11/2009 12:40:41
Q312462edit11/11/2009 0:09:18
Q312463edit11/11/2009 0:09:28
Q312464edit11/11/2009 0:09:42
Q312465edit11/11/2009 0:10:25
Q312466edit11/11/2009 0:10:36
Q321120edit6/11/2009 13:09:20
QNX Voyageredit9/02/2004 20:14:47
Internet Technology Suite
Whether your product needs to surf the web or serve HTML pages in real time, our leading-edge Internet technology has everything you need.
QtEmbeddededit27/09/2015 16:15:04
QtWebEngineedit12/11/2016 10:26:19
readwebpageedit9/02/2004 23:24:11
Reads a web page and returns a string with the contents.
RobotAgentedit9/02/2004 22:49:04
The RobotAgent class is a reference implementation of an agent.
RPT-HTTPClientedit9/02/2004 22:48:11
This package provides a complete http client library. It currently implements most of the relevant parts of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 protocols, including the request methods HEAD, GET, POST and PUT, and automatic handling of authorization, redirection requests, and cookies.
Rubyedit23/02/2009 0:50:02
Schmozillaedit9/02/2004 22:49:30
This is from an example in the Perl Cookbook from O'Reilly Press.
SecretBrowseredit9/02/2004 22:49:54
"SecretBrowser/007" is the UA used as an example in a perl programming handbook
shoutcastsourceedit13/09/2006 1:22:06
ShowTagsedit9/02/2004 22:52:09
Shuberedit11/11/2013 12:15:16
A PHP wrapper for Curl
Simple cURL Requestedit6/02/2014 14:35:14
Smarty Template Engineedit30/09/2015 9:42:59
STOVE_MOBILE_SDKedit28/04/2019 9:05:45
SV1edit6/11/2009 12:47:06
Windows XP with SP2
T312461edit5/11/2009 23:59:05
Tcl http client packageedit28/07/2005 1:08:09
Team Foundation Serveredit16/04/2013 15:41:48
Team Foundation Visual Studio Pluginedit16/04/2013 15:41:25
TeamSoft WinInet Componentedit6/10/2007 11:07:56
Test Certificate Infoedit10/01/2015 0:16:58
The Incutio XML-RPC PHP Libraryedit12/04/2013 9:48:18
Tridentedit10/09/2009 0:35:48
Trident (also known as MSHTML) is the name of the layout engine for the Microsoft Windows version of Internet Explorer.
TUnion SDKedit9/11/2016 15:30:48
Typhoeusedit25/09/2015 13:32:02
Typhoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.
UniversalFeedParseredit13/01/2017 11:32:12
Untrusted Midletedit16/02/2007 1:07:40
unsigned midlet, see Java Device Test Suite (JDTS) Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP)
vBulletinedit29/04/2023 10:38:50
VCI WebVieweredit11/09/2006 22:47:35
VCI WebViewer Control
Webster Pro Controledit11/09/2006 23:16:17
The Webster Pro Control is a ready-to-run Web browser implemented as an ActiveX Control (also known as an OLE Control or OCX). These include Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual C++, FoxPro, Borland Delphi, C++Builder, Clarion, Lotus Notes, Approach and many others. It can add local, intranet and Internet HTML browsing capabilities to any application with no extra coding by providing all the necessary user controls and status feedback. It also provides a comprehensive programming interface and extensive customization features for advanced applications.
webview androidedit29/05/2013 10:13:27
WindowsPowerShelledit20/03/2019 16:43:17
WinHttp.WinHttpRequestedit1/06/2006 23:13:40
Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP)
WWW-Mechanizeedit9/02/2004 22:55:42
zlibedit9/02/2004 23:25:13
zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered, lossless data-compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system.
ZXingedit18/12/2012 16:36:18
ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java, with ports to other languages. Our focus is on using the built-in camera on mobile phones to scan and decode barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server.

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