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User Agents

User Agent Date Added
Fake KHTML Geckoedit22/12/2019 15:05:55
Fake KHTML iGeckoedit29/12/2019 18:36:34
Fake KHTML like Geckoedit3/02/2015 10:42:08
Fake KHTML like Gecko on Chromeedit10/05/2016 10:01:03
Fake like Gekoedit21/09/2012 19:06:28
Fake LinkpadBotedit1/07/2015 7:58:45
Fake Linksedit25/07/2017 23:27:01
Fake Linux Mozilla 7.0edit28/09/2020 19:52:17
Fake Linux NT 6.0edit16/04/2020 16:34:24
Fake Maxthonedit25/09/2015 0:12:46
Sometimes requests things like:
and always using same cookie with same ASP session id
Fake Microsoft Internet Exploreredit4/11/2009 0:02:47
Fake Mozillaedit21/08/2007 1:22:17
Fake Mozilla /edit6/12/2024 14:48:06
Fake Mozilla 4.0edit22/12/2011 11:34:39
Fake Mozilla 5 on Windows NT 4edit16/10/2006 22:38:39
Fake Mozilla 5.0 Empty commentsedit11/10/2016 17:50:26
Fake Mozilla 5.0 firefoxedit28/10/2012 17:35:16
Fake Mozilla 5.96324 on Windows NT 24.2edit9/06/2021 9:06:39
Fake Mozilla 6.0edit8/05/2006 11:22:15
Mozilla/6.0 scans for phpmyadmin vulnerabilities
Fake Mozilla compatibledit9/08/2015 10:59:44
Fake Mozilla compatibleedit1/07/2011 12:22:35
Fake Mozilla Firefoxedit27/09/2015 11:13:00
Fake Mozilla/3.0edit12/11/2009 22:32:38
Fake Mozilla/4.0edit3/06/2007 22:39:03
fell for bad bot trap
Fake Mozilla/5.8591 on Windows NT 22.2edit9/04/2020 14:42:09
Fake Mozilla/5.94133 on Windows NT 3.2edit12/04/2020 15:19:15
Fake Mozilla-Firefoxedit24/04/2016 9:38:03
Fake MSIE 5.00edit22/12/2011 15:53:58
fell for bad bot trap
Fake MSIE 5.5 on Windows NT 5.5edit3/05/2024 14:30:50
Fake MSIE 6 on Win NT 3.51edit11/04/2013 12:51:09
Fake MSIE 6.0-edit22/12/2011 16:12:18
fell for bad bot trap
Fake MSIE 6.0 from Microsoftedit23/01/2008 12:30:40
This is a fake user agent coming from a Microsoft owned subnet (possibly infected machines?).
Fake MSIE 6.0 on AMD 64edit1/08/2007 22:18:21
fell for bad bot trap (guestbook spam trap)
Fake MSIE 6.0 on Windows XPedit22/12/2011 16:03:18
fell for bad bot trap
Fake MSIE 6.0;edit22/12/2011 15:30:58
fell for bad bot trap
Fake MSIE 7.0edit22/12/2011 15:11:06
fell for bad bot trap
Fake MSIE 7.0 .NET CLR 3.0.04506;edit22/12/2011 15:33:33
fell for bad bot trap
Fake MSIE 7.0 SV1edit10/08/2015 22:34:00
fckeditor scanner and sql injection
Fake MSIE 7.0;.NET CLR edit22/12/2011 15:35:23
fell for bad bot trap
Fake MSIE 8.0edit28/07/2014 8:26:13
Fake MSIE 9edit29/06/2014 11:55:50
Fake MSIE 9 on Windows NT 9.0edit13/07/2013 9:51:33
In 2012-2013 seen as spammer/malware and in 2013-2014 scanning for wordpress exploits
Fake MSIE 9 on Windows NT 9.1edit10/06/2023 13:14:32
Fake MultiZillaedit6/09/2015 11:14:25
Fake myspace.comedit11/02/2011 12:04:00
Fake NCLIENTedit26/02/2015 15:23:18
Fake Netfrontedit4/12/2016 10:30:20
Fake Netscapeedit28/07/2007 23:28:47
fell for bad bot trap
Fake Netscape on iPadedit24/11/2016 9:20:23
Does not exist
Fake Nokiaedit27/05/2015 8:48:51

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