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User Agent Date Added
Production Botedit7/02/2004 1:14:51
Program Sharewareedit6/02/2004 23:35:13
Snoopyedit27/04/2006 1:00:18
Snoopy is a PHP class that simulates a web browser. It automates the task of retrieving web page content and posting forms, for example.
Spacebugedit23/03/2007 1:15:59
fell for bad bot trap (guestbook spam trap)
spammeredit12/09/2006 0:38:25
SpiderManedit26/09/2006 23:03:18
goes directly after urls with "guestbook" or "news" in it + fell for bad bot trap
Spoofed K-Meleonedit5/08/2007 23:57:34
fell for bad bot trap (guestbook spam trap)
Surf15edit7/02/2004 1:13:02
TOBBOTedit20/04/2017 19:08:15
Web Botedit7/02/2004 1:15:03
WebaltBotedit19/11/2006 18:10:16
forum spamming
Wells Search IIedit13/09/2006 1:18:55
goes after urls with "guestbook" in it
WEP Searchedit6/02/2004 23:36:04
xpymep.exeedit17/01/2011 16:04:07
fell for bad bot trap
xrumerguestbook1.exeedit30/07/2015 19:16:19

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