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User Agents

User Agent Date Added
TestCrawleredit20/12/2012 19:35:41
TestUAedit31/07/2017 11:11:34
the beastedit10/01/2015 0:31:56
The Drop Reaperedit7/12/2016 9:16:36
web page not working (404)
The Intraformantedit9/09/2006 0:35:47
The Moleedit5/11/2016 10:11:49
TheNewPushedit10/07/2007 23:27:02
fell for bad bot trap from different IPs in that range
TheNomadedit9/09/2006 0:36:35
thiefedit12/09/2006 0:40:48
thievesedit12/09/2006 0:40:58
ThingFetcheredit12/09/2015 23:44:40
THIS PC WAS TAGGED BY DR.VINCEedit25/11/2009 0:23:09
TightTwatBotedit9/09/2006 0:37:15
Titanedit9/09/2006 0:38:02
Toata dragostea mea pentru diavolaedit2/03/2010 1:12:19
requests install.txt and msgimport files
toCrawl/UrlDispatcheredit9/09/2006 0:38:50
tools.ua.randomedit13/02/2020 23:45:43
TouTrix crawleredit11/10/2013 8:52:48
fell for bad bot trap!
True_Robotedit9/09/2006 0:39:22
Twiceleredit25/07/2005 1:47:04
fell for bad bot trap multiple times!
U2Botedit17/11/2014 9:51:17
Same as DownloadBot and DBot...
U5edit14/10/2014 12:34:37
Same as DBot and DownloadBot
UATESTedit14/07/2017 10:13:26
undefined GoogleToolbarBBedit22/12/2012 11:04:51
unknownedit7/12/2009 23:36:41
URL Encoded CRLFedit30/09/2015 22:49:54
URL Encoded NULLedit1/10/2015 20:08:28
URL Encoded Unicode ASCIIedit1/10/2015 20:09:02
URL Encoded Unicode NULLedit1/10/2015 20:09:09
URL Encoded User Agentedit30/08/2010 12:16:13
URLSS[]edit25/09/2015 10:44:12
useredit1/10/2015 21:48:18
User Agent Replace Erroredit30/07/2010 17:44:15
Some scripts use a defined user agent, where some variables are filled in later. They use the ${VARIABLE} notation. If it is not properly filled in, this stays in the user agent.
USER_AGENTedit24/06/2011 16:34:37
User-Agentedit7/12/2009 23:08:32
User-Agent FingerBrowseredit4/06/2018 9:26:38
User-Agent,Mozillaedit3/09/2020 11:52:15
UserAgent:edit10/09/2015 23:46:48
This hacker can not even type the User-Agent header correctly!
User-Agent:edit10/09/2015 23:40:37
Fake User-Agent. HTTP Request contains:
User-Agent: User-Agent:
User-Agent: Mozillaedit25/07/2005 2:44:08
fake user agent, http request contains:
User-Agent: User-Agent: Mozilla/...
User-Agent:Mozillaedit28/01/2007 22:52:17
fake user agent: http request contains:
User Agent: User Agent:Mozilla/...
UserAgentStringedit16/10/2015 10:43:02
USERNAMEedit28/07/2011 12:09:09
Vacuumedit11/09/2006 22:46:07
VadixBotedit10/06/2007 13:50:28
VB Projectedit20/12/2012 16:08:55
Visual Basic sample project
versus crawleredit8/08/2005 10:54:49
research bot by phd student. Does fetch robots.txt but no url with information to block it
Virusdie crawleredit22/02/2017 8:37:56
VoidEYEedit11/09/2006 22:50:43
VoidEye CGI scanner
VSE Crawleredit12/02/2004 23:44:17

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