User Agent | | Date Added |
2009-10-16 | | 28/09/2015 22:48:21 |
Advanced Email Extractor | | 6/02/2004 23:22:33 |
Advanced Email Extractor (AEE) is designed to extract e-mail addresses from web-pages on the Internet (using HTTP and HTTPS protocols) and from HTML and text files on local disks. | Spider | | 18/11/2005 1:42:17 |
Spammer used dedicated host in datacenter, got kicked off. IP addresses the bot originated from now used by other domains, so do NOT block them anymore. |
Atomic Harvester 2000 | | 6/02/2004 23:08:00 |
A fake referrer of "" is left by the Atomic Harvester 2000. The User agent is also fake, it should have been: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible;) |
Atomic Harvester '98 | | 7/02/2004 0:08:00 |
Empty user agent |
atSpider | | 6/02/2004 23:37:34 |
Au2EMAIL Spider | | 7/09/2006 23:45:10 |
Will handle all of your mailing tasks responsibly! Create your own mailing lists with its built in spider. Crawl the web for specified email addresses and save them to file. It will also extract from any file on your hard drive. Includes full removal, sort, purge and filter functions. Built-in mailer allows you to bulk email with opt-in removal to comply with the spam laws. A must for any one who wants to advertise or promote theirservices! |
autoemailspider | | 6/02/2004 23:41:40 |
Bull's Eye Gold | | 6/02/2004 23:48:22 |
burglar | | 12/09/2006 0:32:09 |
cfetch | | 25/07/2005 3:16:23 |
From: same guys as voyager/1.0
Fake search engine? |
Cherry Picker | | 6/02/2004 23:50:02 |
collect | | 12/09/2006 0:33:52 |
ContactBot | | 30/04/2006 0:52:49 |
same as LMQueueBot |
DSurf | | 7/02/2004 0:22:10 |
DTS Agent | | 7/02/2004 0:23:03 |
Dynamic Web Wizard | | 6/02/2004 23:50:30 |
E-Collector | | 11/02/2004 0:18:35 |
E-Collector in the simplest terms is a e-mail address collector, thus the name "E-Collector".
Have you ever wanted to have the email addresses of as many company’s that sell or supply for example "dried fruit", I personally don't but this is just an example. |
EliteSys Entry | | 7/02/2004 0:24:44 |
ELNSB50 | | 26/11/2006 0:42:44 |
requested non-existing forum php files |
Email Collector | | 6/02/2004 23:52:20 |
Email Digger Pro | | 6/02/2004 23:50:50 |
EMail Exractor | | 18/12/2012 15:27:48 |
Email Extractor | | 20/12/2012 19:30:57 |
Email Magnet | | 7/02/2004 0:08:18 |
Empty user agent |
Email Spider | | 7/09/2006 23:36:56 |
Email Wolf | | 6/02/2004 23:52:43 |
EmailExtractor | | 7/09/2006 23:35:26 |
EmailHarvester | | 7/09/2006 23:36:05 |
EmailLogger | | 7/09/2006 23:36:25 |
eMailReaper | | 7/02/2004 0:08:39 |
Empty user agent |
EmailSearch | | 19/09/2007 23:37:44 |
extract | | 12/09/2006 0:34:51 |
ExtractorPro | | 6/02/2004 23:45:37 |
Fake MSIE 8.0 on Windows NT 6.0 | | 2/11/2015 10:28:08 |
Fake Sogou Search | | 3/05/2006 22:05:20 |
61.135.131.* 220.181.26.* 220.181.19.*
Does a request for robots.txt with this accept header: Accept: 'text/html,application/msword,application/rtf,application/pdf,application/vnd:ms-powerpoint,application/vnd:ms-excel,application/octet-stream' -> server responds with HTTP/1.1 406 No acceptable objects were found |
Harvest 1.5 | | 8/09/2006 0:42:38 |
Harvester | | 6/02/2004 23:46:01 |
HTTP Generic | | 7/09/2006 23:37:28 |
IEAutoDiscovery | | 27/09/2005 11:43:03 |
aggressive bot (multiple requests per second) 2007.05.07: seems to be a malicious browser-extension that explicitly requests disallowed pages (via robots.txt) that are linked by user-visited page to harvest e-mail-addresses and guestbook-forms. 2005.09.20: came from, querystring correct 2005.09.11: came from, converted querystring to lowercase
imds_monitor | | 13/09/2006 1:06:53 |
Indy Library | | 9/02/2004 22:22:11 |
The Indy project is an Open Source project that maintains several active projects which grew out of the original Indy project.
Often used by email harvesting and guestbook spamming bots |
ISC Systems iRc Search | | 1/11/2006 23:17:41 |
fell for bad bot trap |
LinkextractorPro | | 8/09/2006 11:51:36 |
? |
List Sorcerer | | 7/02/2004 0:06:43 |
LMQueueBot | | 30/06/2007 0:45:34 |
same as ContactBot |
Mail Sweeper | | 6/02/2004 23:30:26 |
marketing | | 12/09/2006 0:37:33 |
Maverick II | | 6/02/2004 23:48:46 |
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98 | | 7/03/2004 22:01:57 |
fell for bot trap, does not request robots.txt Chinese ISP Converts url to lowercase (just a plain stupid bot) |