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User Agents

User Agent Date Added
4SeoHuntBotedit19/12/2012 15:08:37
Adsbotedit23/07/2020 18:39:05
AlphaBotedit28/11/2014 12:17:34
fell for bad bot trap
Atomseobotedit21/10/2023 13:58:12
B2B Botedit10/12/2023 21:32:04
Curious Georgeedit2/03/2011 11:02:37
DataForSeoBotedit18/02/2023 17:45:53
DJEcoBotedit16/07/2017 9:43:33
FoundSeoTooledit8/01/2017 11:06:06
HEADMasterSEOedit26/01/2018 16:07:56
HyperCrawledit11/03/2015 9:19:01
HyperCrawl is an experimental web crawler, intended to gather data for backward links graph.
James BOTedit8/08/2015 0:34:03
Linkody botedit25/05/2013 13:35:54
Lipperhey SEO Serviceedit26/02/2014 8:38:16
Match by Siteimprove.comedit13/05/2016 20:53:30
MTRobotedit28/01/2021 10:19:26
myseosnapshotedit15/04/2020 16:43:22
NinjaBotedit15/10/2017 9:01:13
ProCogSEOBotedit8/05/2013 11:10:07
RavenCrawleredit11/05/2016 8:38:33
rogerbotedit31/01/2013 9:59:55
Screaming Frog SEO Spideredit19/07/2012 22:24:14
Search Engine Optimizer Botedit4/11/2007 0:08:31
SemrushBotedit29/12/2011 15:35:27
SEMrushBot is part of the SEMrush (http://www.semrush.com/) tools suite.
Crawled data (currently only web graph of links) is added to the public backlinks search engine index that we maintain as a dedicated tool called "SEMrush backlinks". All webmasters can obtain full data on backlinks by verifying ownership of their site.

fell for bad bot trap
SenutoBotedit30/04/2023 13:11:30
seoedit3/02/2014 8:52:13
SEO Bullsedit17/11/2017 9:24:07
SEO Consultants Directoryedit13/07/2006 0:21:20
Seo_quickedit1/12/2009 0:56:12
SeobilityBotedit5/09/2019 14:53:01
SeoBULLS Alphaedit9/01/2017 17:45:45
SeoCheckBotedit25/07/2013 9:27:28
Seach Engine Optimization
SeoCherryBotedit16/12/2024 19:38:57
seodedicedit19/01/2017 0:23:44
Looking for Wordpress and other exploits + spamming
SEOdiveredit30/08/2014 9:38:50
SEOENGBotedit9/01/2012 12:15:03
SEOENGWorldBotedit8/04/2012 11:21:26
SeohrefsBotedit23/07/2023 13:03:03
SEOJunkiesedit14/01/2011 13:57:57
SEOkicks-Robotedit31/10/2011 13:54:09
fell for bad bot trap!
SEOlizeredit14/08/2020 1:35:31
SEOlyticsCrawleredit1/07/2015 7:34:59
SEOlyzeredit30/12/2016 9:45:37
SEO-Macroscopeedit15/05/2024 17:07:20
seomsn.comedit14/12/2019 17:06:41
seo-nerdedit19/07/2018 19:44:30
seoscanners.netedit8/01/2017 16:22:36
SEOstatsedit28/01/2018 22:50:05
SERPtimizerBotedit5/02/2020 18:11:59
SiteAnalyzerBotedit8/01/2017 20:08:27

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