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User Agents

User Agent Date Added
Fake WINNT 6.0edit10/12/2009 0:47:27
Fake user agent
Fake Wow64 on Windows 10edit20/11/2016 11:32:30
request /echo.php
Fake X12 i383edit28/07/2011 10:36:47
Fake Yahoo Slurpedit8/07/2015 10:44:06
Fake Yahoo! Slurp Chinaedit18/12/2012 16:27:24
FastSeekedit5/02/2014 10:18:58
fell for bad bot trap!
FBIedit2/08/2017 21:13:43
requests /.git/config
Feedback Form Spammingedit14/01/2006 0:32:02
FemtosearchBotedit21/12/2018 13:26:33
fell for bad bot trap
fidget-spinner-botedit19/10/2023 9:38:36
Aggresive scraper.
finbotedit15/10/2015 17:30:09
Referer: http://www.google.de/
FindShare botedit7/10/2010 14:02:07
fell for bad bot trap
FINLYedit5/04/2010 18:54:28
exploit scanner
firefoxedit13/02/2024 13:16:52
Firefox 04BFedit1/02/2018 10:54:31
version should be numeric
Firefox 2.0 PHPMyAdmin Scanedit21/12/2016 23:47:21
PHPMyAdmin exploit scan
Firefox Addonedit5/02/2010 23:01:17
requests with a Content-Type: text/html which is not normally seen in requests but mostly in responses.
Firefox Miami Styleedit27/09/2015 11:22:24
Looking for Wordpress and Drupal exploits
Firefox Process3edit11/08/2007 0:21:07
fell for bad bot trap
Firefox/3.6.23;edit27/09/2015 11:06:13
Referer: Connection: close;
FirefoxProedit13/12/2009 13:07:00
Fake user agent
firewall.internetidentity.comedit9/04/2010 23:38:50
Changes user agent all the time
FOCAedit26/01/2018 16:09:05
looking for certain exploits
Foobotedit8/09/2006 0:22:38
forceVolcanoCrawleredit13/01/2020 7:42:51
freelinkexplorerbotedit22/12/2012 11:02:09
FuckOffedit23/12/2012 13:29:56
Fuerzaedit5/01/2008 17:47:44
fell for bad bot trap
Galaxy on Windows XPedit2/02/2017 9:17:14
Galeon ms_MYedit11/11/2015 9:32:40
general.useragent.overrideedit10/09/2015 22:57:52
Generic Crawleredit19/10/2015 9:55:59
Gescoedit25/04/2014 8:52:23
Getckoedit10/01/2017 11:25:39
getrequestedit20/12/2014 9:54:42
Gigamega botedit19/12/2007 15:06:41
stupid bot: querystring to lowercase + also requests /javascript: urls
GimmeUSAbotedit1/12/2014 9:39:57
GLBotedit30/10/2014 9:20:51
Same as DownloadBot and DBot...
Google Botedit5/10/2015 10:33:50
Google Chrome Mozillaedit29/05/2019 19:04:07
Fake Google Chrome
Grailedit8/08/2019 20:32:39
does SQL injection
Grasshopperedit26/11/2016 14:26:24
GVC WEB crawleredit2/03/2011 11:05:49
fell for bad bot trap
hackeredit12/09/2006 0:35:01
HeadDumpedit23/12/2012 12:26:46
POST /http://www.yourdomain.ext
hello worldedit23/12/2012 13:26:26
SQL injection: 1%20and%20exists%20(select%20*%20from%20sysobjects)
Hello, Worldedit23/07/2019 16:25:05
exploits /login.cgi
Hex encoded User Agentsedit10/07/2013 10:04:16
Violation of RFC 2616
hgrepurledit30/04/2006 0:22:55
O'Reilly's Perl LWP example client program from Web Client Programming with Perl.
hi, Momedit9/12/2009 0:32:19
fake user agent

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