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User Agents

User Agent Date Added
hl_ftien_spideredit25/07/2005 3:04:29
fell for bad bot trap + very aggressive
HLoaderedit7/09/2006 23:32:04
HMViewedit7/09/2006 23:33:58
HostItCheapedit8/02/2004 0:33:07
Referrer spammer
hostnameedit16/11/2010 11:01:53
hotpage.fredit22/12/2011 15:07:52
fell for bad bot trap
HTTP Banner Detectionedit29/07/2019 17:50:16
HTTPTESTedit20/12/2012 16:51:47
Huaweisymantecspideredit14/08/2010 18:13:47
humanlinksedit8/09/2006 0:46:15
i am a stegoedit23/12/2012 16:22:24
Mozillaedit7/03/2012 12:00:14
IBrowse on Windows 3.1edit22/12/2011 15:08:56
fell for bad bot trap
ichiroedit25/07/2005 3:08:16
does not do well on url decoding
IDBotedit18/04/2007 23:09:02
fell for bad bot trap (badbottrap) + url is not working!
IE 0.2edit13/03/2012 16:33:00
IE 5.5 Compatible Browseredit30/12/2011 8:25:16
IE 7 - Mozillaedit20/03/2012 17:45:34
IE Internet Exploreedit24/03/2011 1:19:54
IE/Mozillaedit25/07/2005 2:50:32
IEAutoDiscoveryedit27/09/2005 11:43:03
aggressive bot (multiple requests per second)
2007.05.07: seems to be a malicious browser-extension that explicitly requests disallowed pages (via robots.txt) that are linked by user-visited page to harvest e-mail-addresses and guestbook-forms.
2005.09.20: came from, querystring correct
2005.09.11: came from, converted querystring to lowercase
IECheckedit2/05/2006 0:41:01
iHWebCheckeredit21/12/2012 16:36:36
host header includes TCP port 80
IndoXploitToolsedit11/10/2019 17:17:48
Influencebotedit30/07/2015 19:24:34
InfoNaviRobotedit8/09/2006 0:49:05
InstantSSL Browseredit25/07/2005 2:37:46
Intel Mac OS X x.yedit18/10/2018 8:24:52
intelium_botedit23/05/2012 14:35:59
fell for bad bot trap
InterGETedit8/09/2006 0:49:59
Internet Exploreredit29/07/2010 20:42:01
Fake user agent
Internet Explorer 5.5edit25/07/2005 2:39:01
internetsecure.todayedit14/11/2016 12:42:00
GET /.git/HEAD
IP2PhraseBotedit27/09/2005 11:47:15
spamming log files
IPAddressGuideBotedit5/11/2005 23:24:52
iPower Spammingedit2/05/2006 0:57:02
referrer spamming
Referer: http://www.iPower.be/
IPTCBOTedit10/08/2015 22:26:46
ISC Systems iRc Searchedit1/11/2006 23:17:41
fell for bad bot trap
IustusBotedit16/11/2023 6:51:19
Java bad url parsing botsedit2/11/2006 23:39:13
bad url parsing
JavaBeeedit8/03/2004 0:33:07
This robot is used to grab java applets and run them locally overriding the security implemented
Stealing Java Code
JBH Agentedit30/06/2007 0:18:20
JennyBotedit8/09/2006 0:54:09
JennyCaredit8/09/2006 0:54:48
jexbossedit23/07/2019 16:18:38
searches for shell scripts
Jorgeeedit15/03/2016 23:03:43
PhpMyAdmin exploit scanner
KcBedit6/02/2014 15:02:19
Requests for //config.old.php
Keyword Densityedit8/09/2006 0:57:44
KHTML like Geckoedit20/06/2014 8:42:17
KHTML, like Gechoedit6/02/2018 12:28:53
should be Gecko and not Gecho

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