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User Agent Date Added
KHTML, live Geckoedit6/02/2013 11:06:39
KHTML,likeGeckoedit10/09/2024 10:45:24
K-Touch Tou ch 2cedit7/10/2015 10:54:57
K-Touch Tou ch3edit28/11/2015 6:32:59
KTXNedit21/05/2007 0:10:50
bad url parsing
LexxeBotedit3/11/2009 23:51:23
fell for bad bot trap
Lightspeedsystemsedit28/06/2011 2:12:59
fell for bad bot trap
lightspeedsystems.comedit6/10/2005 10:17:12
fell for bad bot trap + very aggressive
Does not parse URL like it should, has problems with /?query in urls, it requests /lastpage?query instead of /?query.
Also has problems with javascript in tag like this: <a href="http://..." onclick="this.href='javascript:history.go(-1)'">
like 1B50Cedit18/12/2017 9:38:48
like 7DCB3edit16/11/2016 8:44:53
like Gecko
LINK TRADE crawleredit16/01/2011 14:06:27
fell for bad bot trap
LinkExplore.comedit25/07/2005 3:02:52
Linkmanedit29/12/2005 11:07:36
Bad HTTP requests: Content-Type: text/html
LinkpadBotedit17/05/2014 11:26:06 --- spider02.linkpad.ru --- linkpad.ru --- NETHERLANDS --- spider01.linkpad.ru (fell for bad bot trap)
LinkScan 8.1aedit8/09/2006 11:53:32
Linux Mozillaedit20/12/2012 17:15:52
LiteFinderedit18/11/2007 23:47:51
very aggressive bot (2 or 3 requests per second) + fell for bad bot trap + query string keywords all lowercased! This is a very bad bot, and is probably run by a fake company. Info on their site:

LiteFinder Network Crawler is a research project started by a group of Indian candidates from the cities of Bangalore, Patna and Jaipur. The project serves as a testing ground for information search technologies and programs, developed by a group of young scientists. LiteFinder Network Crawler was started as the means of simplifying the search of specific information at the sites that can be found with the help of general-purpose search engines. The project was developed due to the grants provided by several foreign companies specializing in research in the field of information search.
Lorkylledit10/07/2007 23:21:19
ltx71edit23/11/2014 16:54:03
fell for bot trap
lufsbotedit13/07/2013 9:44:15
Fake search engine (no results in search).
MacInroy Privacy Auditorsedit12/09/2015 22:31:27
Magic Browseredit2/04/2017 10:38:53
Mail.Ruedit6/06/2010 15:31:20
fell for bad bot trap
MakeMerryBotedit7/04/2024 9:16:39
MaMa CaSpEredit30/07/2010 17:00:24
MaMa CyBeredit20/12/2012 16:39:37
requests for contact.php in various folders
MaMa Xirioedit20/12/2012 17:22:22
requests for guestbook in various folders
marketingedit12/09/2006 0:37:33
Maui Browseredit21/12/2012 16:23:49
Does GET request with content-type: text/plain
mbotedit10/05/2016 9:54:51
fell for bad bot trap
MediaBotedit24/12/2014 10:23:07
MediaLBotedit9/01/2015 19:02:50
Same as DownloadBot and DBot...
MegaIndex.ruedit24/01/2015 11:15:23
fell for bad bot trap
MFC Tear Sampleedit9/02/2004 22:42:52
The TEAR sample shows how to write an MFC console application that uses WININET.DLL to communicate with the Internet. The sample shows how to form an HTTP request using CHttpFile against CHttpConnection and CInternetSession objects.
mfibotedit2/03/2016 10:49:48
fell for bad bot trap
MICROSOFT INTERNET BROWSERedit25/07/2005 2:33:49
MIDown tooledit8/09/2006 11:59:42
MinerBot/edit9/12/2014 23:13:03
Same as DownloadBot and DBot...
MixrankBotedit25/10/2014 9:20:04
Fell for bad bot trap!
Mkzillaedit22/12/2011 12:24:57
fell for bad bot trap
Morfeus strikes againedit26/04/2010 1:19:31
request README files in certain mail web applications
MorMor TCP Spideredit29/02/2012 14:17:53
Topclick Prospects Spider is a program built by Topclick Prospects to collect data on the web. We save down information such as how well the websites are constructed for search engines. The spider crawls nonstop.

fell for bad bot trap
Mozilledit11/05/2015 7:51:51
Mozilla / 5.0edit9/12/2017 9:35:18
Mozilla 2.02 Goldedit27/09/2010 9:25:32
Mozilla 4.03edit28/09/2015 13:31:22
directory traversal:
Mozilla 4.05edit27/09/2015 0:21:38
directory traversal and other bad stuff
Mozilla 4.5 on Win98edit19/11/2006 18:22:33
does HEAD requests
Mozilla 4.79 Spammeredit10/09/2015 22:44:57
Referrer spamming
Mozilla 5.21836 on Windows NT 17.2edit17/03/2021 10:54:44

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