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User Agents

User Agent Date Added
Mozilla 68edit21/07/2019 15:12:31
Mozilla compatible botedit9/05/2013 9:34:35
Mozilla custom agentedit1/03/2014 12:26:34
HTTP/1.0 request
Mozilla en-usedit9/09/2012 15:06:30
Mozilla on Win16edit4/04/2010 19:59:45
Mozilla(FireFox 2.0)edit25/04/2012 10:22:30
Mozilla(IE Compatible)edit18/10/2006 0:12:22
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98edit7/03/2004 22:01:57
fell for bot trap, does not request robots.txt
Chinese ISP
Converts url to lowercase (just a plain stupid bot)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)edit14/08/2006 23:07:25
fell for bad bot trap
IE 6.0 WebWasher ad filter
Mozilla/4.0 compatibleedit1/08/2006 13:01:42
fell for bad bot trap
Mozilla/5.0edit15/06/2006 22:33:17
very aggressive bot (+5 requests/sec) + fell for bad bot trap when copying a client site.
Second encounter: went directly for url with "guestbook" in it.
Mozilla/5.0 (edit15/12/2017 10:29:34
Mozilla/5.0 \(edit27/09/2015 14:30:10
Scans for SQL injection
Mozilla/5.0 CK={}edit3/01/2024 16:48:00
Mozilla/5.0 compatibleedit23/12/2012 18:28:21
fell for bad bot trap
Mozilla/5.0(edit18/01/2016 11:37:11
Mozilla/5.0;edit13/01/2017 11:34:47
Mozilla/5.0+(edit24/02/2016 17:36:41
Mozilla/6.0 compatibleedit23/12/2012 18:21:47
fell for bad bot trap
Mozilla/7.0edit5/11/2006 22:39:17
Mozilla-1.1edit15/07/2016 6:38:21
mozilla-agentedit26/05/2014 9:51:25
MozillaXYZedit15/04/2012 15:46:05
Mozillxedit30/06/2007 0:27:46
Fake mozilla
MoziMozillaedit8/11/2020 4:14:29
Performs SQL injection
Mozlilaedit4/08/2020 12:28:19
Mozzilaedit7/12/2009 23:18:40
Mozzillaedit3/01/2016 17:52:20
fell for bad bot trap
MS Internet Exploreredit6/11/2009 13:04:07
Fake user agent
MSDN SurfBearedit19/07/2017 13:19:23
MSIDedit10/02/2016 11:22:27
MSIE 3.02 on Windows CEedit4/04/2010 19:57:07
Fake user agent and requests bad urls
MSIE 4\.0b2;edit25/07/2005 2:49:51
MSIE 6.0 in MSIE 8.0 Unclosededit25/09/2015 13:01:44
Cookie exploits
MSIE 6.00edit24/04/2010 0:25:35
Fake user agent
MSIE 6.0bedit30/11/2009 23:37:26
fell for bad bot trap
MSIE 7.0a1edit9/12/2009 23:43:43
fell for bot trap
MSIE 7.0bedit12/12/2009 23:14:29
fell for bad bot trap
MSIE 999edit8/12/2009 0:44:53
MSIE on Windows 98edit3/06/2007 22:48:20
fell for bad bot trap!
MSIE9edit6/02/2014 15:33:00
Requests /index.php?-s
MSMOBOTedit8/12/2009 23:16:17
fake msnbot
MSR-ISRCCrawleredit1/04/2008 17:22:13
Microsoft isrc-bot

This bot comes in deep, does not always request robots.txt and converts querystring to lowercase, so this is really a stupid bot which doesn't surprise me, as it's from Microsoft!
Muaedit6/08/2015 14:04:59
muhstikedit15/12/2017 17:32:11
requests /webdav
Multiple spacesedit14/08/2013 9:46:03
Multiple Spammingedit21/12/2009 14:02:39
mustexist.comedit18/04/2010 12:14:00
MVAClientedit29/11/2005 16:51:00
Does not do URL encoding/decoding
My Nutch Spideredit19/10/2011 17:13:00

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