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User Agents

User Agent Date Added
My User Agentedit7/12/2009 23:18:04
My WinHTTP Connectionedit21/12/2012 16:19:45
MyAgentedit15/05/2014 11:41:42
MyAppedit20/12/2012 16:53:36
My-Applicationedit23/09/2011 11:47:11
mycrawleredit23/12/2012 16:24:24
my-robotedit7/12/2009 23:08:51
my-tiny-botedit31/10/2023 11:13:41
Aggressive scraper that ignores all restrictions.
MyUserAgentedit28/07/2011 9:31:22
NameOfAgentedit27/06/2011 23:12:16
NameOfAgent (CMS Spider)edit20/08/2008 16:28:55
Searches for Wordpress wp-login.php and mod_login.xml
NCSA Mosaicedit25/11/2012 16:11:35
ndowsedit15/08/2023 15:07:47
Nelian Pty Ltd - Spideredit7/10/2006 1:21:44
log spammer?
NET4.OCedit4/10/2016 10:42:33
NETonE-Handels-und-Service-GesmbH-Erich-Fuchs-Ingedit21/05/2006 23:47:25
fell for bad bot trap + bad query string handling: to lowercase + encodes it
NetSprintedit28/01/2007 22:42:43
fell for bad bot trap
Nett.io botedit19/10/2014 9:42:01
Same as DownloadBot and DBot...
New Horizonsedit21/09/2017 7:39:56
requests /wallet.dat
newest.exeedit7/12/2009 23:05:27
New-Sogou-Spideredit17/11/2011 14:21:21
NewUseAgentedit25/04/2014 8:48:37
nicebotedit3/05/2006 0:13:00
Niktoedit20/11/2007 23:35:45
exploit scanner
Nintindo Wiiedit10/12/2009 0:39:14
Nitro PDF Doaloadedit20/12/2012 15:49:31
nlpproject.infoedit5/10/2015 10:32:46
No semicolonedit26/01/2016 22:05:57
no spacesedit8/12/2009 0:42:57
node.ioedit10/03/2013 11:11:58
Querystring lowercase
Noneedit23/12/2012 12:07:45
notifyninja.comedit28/12/2016 11:05:07
url not working (404)
no-uaedit8/08/2016 10:38:15
Numeric UAedit20/12/2012 16:25:11
Nutch Firefoxedit9/02/2013 13:09:54
oegpedit23/09/2011 11:48:32
OmniExploreredit5/07/2005 10:33:02
OMozillaedit4/10/2016 23:18:58
OppOedit16/10/2012 18:08:01
fell for bad bot trap!
OutfoxBotedit5/07/2006 0:25:08
ozillaedit15/09/2016 9:00:19
PageGrabberedit8/09/2006 23:54:17
Parsijooedit6/02/2014 14:14:21
Search engine in Iran
querystring is lowercase -> bad
Patwebbotedit17/04/2018 9:35:45
url 404
Pete-Spideredit20/06/2007 23:01:23
fell for bad bot trap
PHOTO CHECKedit13/11/2006 13:35:54
referrer url spamming
pirateedit12/09/2006 0:37:44
pirstedit22/12/2012 11:41:19
plaNETWORK Bot Searchedit20/12/2012 16:18:26
POST /contact.php
PlantyNetedit6/09/2005 13:50:07
Requests bogus file robotsxx.txt instead of robots.txt
Fell for badbottrap!

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